Congrats Marni of, the winner of the Pretty Little Pillows book giveaway! Besides making super cute baby jewelry, Marni is growing peas, radishes, onions, strawberries and apricots. Sounds like a healthy salad! :)
Thank you everyone who entered, I loved reading all of your comments. Best wishes with all your gardening and have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you, thank you!! :) Last year was my year to learn to make bread, and this year is my year to work on sewing more. This should be a fun addition to my learning. I've got your Doodle Stitching book and LOVE IT. I've got four little girls (8 down to 2 months) and plan on teaching them to embroider with your excellent instructions and beautiful designs.
Thank you, thank you!! :) Last year was my year to learn to make bread, and this year is my year to work on sewing more. This should be a fun addition to my learning. I've got your Doodle Stitching book and LOVE IT. I've got four little girls (8 down to 2 months) and plan on teaching them to embroider with your excellent instructions and beautiful designs.