Friday, May 7, 2010

Book Giveaway winner!

Congrats Marni of, the winner of the Pretty Little Pillows book giveaway! Besides making super cute baby jewelry, Marni is growing peas, radishes, onions, strawberries and apricots. Sounds like a healthy salad! :)
Thank you everyone who entered, I loved reading all of your comments. Best wishes with all your gardening and have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, thank you!! :) Last year was my year to learn to make bread, and this year is my year to work on sewing more. This should be a fun addition to my learning. I've got your Doodle Stitching book and LOVE IT. I've got four little girls (8 down to 2 months) and plan on teaching them to embroider with your excellent instructions and beautiful designs.


Thanks for your comments! I love hearing from you! :)