Thursday, July 8, 2010


I got the itch to crochet something recently (like I don't already have too many projects in the works) and I wanted to do something cooler than the simple scarves and hats I've made in the past, so I started looking up granny square patterns! I'm REALLY not a good pattern follower, and the secret code crochet patterns are written in doesn't help that at all, but with a little patience, I was able to decipher some basic stitches. I started out practicing with some ugly leftover yarn I had and once I'd mastered one I bought some pretty cotton yarn.

I've had this cute basket forever sitting around empty, and it turned out to be the perfect thing to hold my new project!

I really like the look of balls of yarn. Though they're obviously kind of useless as they are, I always think they lose some of their charm once they've been made into something! I would kind of like to have a big shelf of lots of colors of yarn, like a yarn store. I could just sit and feel it and look at it all day.

So here are my squares so far! this is called the Summer Garden granny square, because it has a flower in the center. There is a great tutorial for these (and lots more) on Attic24's blog. Her work and colors are so inspiring, I love it! This is a great place to start if you're interested in learning crochet.
I am planning on making all this yarn into squares, and then outlining/attaching them all together with another color, maybe a darker turquoise or pink, and then I'll have an afghan.
This is a great project if you need something to keep your hands busy watching netflix movies like I do. Once you get the hang of a square, you'll be able to crank them out pretty quickly.

♥ aimee


  1. I'm so glad you're trying crochet. I love it and have been crocheting for a long time. It's a beautiful craft. Your squares are wonderful and I love the colors. Good luck with your project. You're off to a great start.

  2. those colours are delicious! i like your idea of a yarn shed. I'd just add that you save a spot in there for all the little yarn ends. like a cork board or something to attach the ends to and make, like, cool yarn collages... but i digress... i love yarn and crochet too.

  3. Thank you both! I'm enjoying doing something different. :)

    Michele: See that little bag behind my basket in the top photo? it's full of yarn and embroidery floss ends! they always look so pretty, I can't throw them away. I'm determined to find a use for them one day. ;D I like your collage idea!

  4. i am super inspired right now. i haven't crocheted since winter...i always take it up in fall and fizzle out by january! i am sentimental, yet haven't every made granny squares. yours make me want to...

  5. I love those colors, Aimee! That is going to be such a nice afghan!

  6. ive just learnt to crochet! Im crochetting a scarf at the moment.. i decided to start now so it will be ready for winter :p i really want to learn to make these granny squares!


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