Saturday, October 22, 2011

NŌMs waiting

NŌM village

NŌMs waiting

Here are some more NŌMs waiting on my shelf to be adopted! Also owlets, froglets and NŌM habitats. Create a whole NŌM village!
all available at


  1. First of all, these are absolutely adorable. More importantly, it puts a bit of holiday spirit into my heart.

    And, how funny is it that I've been following you for, hm, months, I guess, but I never realized until today that you published Doodle Stitching. I have checked it out from the library twice. This last time, I decided that I must own it and so I ordered a copy from Amazon, but I wouldn't return the library copy until the day that I knew yours would arrive.

    Well, only now do I know that it's yours! How cool. Needless to say, I love that book.

  2. Thank you Jodi! and thanks for picking up my book! :D I'm glad you're enjoying my work! <3


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